Special Edition Pisces  with extra colouration
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To get the pretty heather coloured hue for heather her  fur was repeatedly hand tipped with lilac, bright blue, mauve, purple and deep pink fabric colours.  This is quite a time consuming process that is done on single bear basis so no two bears will ever be exactly the same. She also has gold highlights to her nose, mouth and face painting, hand coloured blue suede feeties and a flower.

These bears are made entirely by hand and I make the none mechanical extras myself including the flowers or satchels and doing other things like forming the individual paw pads and hand tipping the fur etc.  This means  you can virtually choose any colour or feature you desire and even have a bearie made for you to your own colour scheme simple because you like it and not because it represents your birthday sign; these are known as Rainbow bearies.

 Prices for special editions will vary depending on what you want done as some of the processes are very time consuming. 

If you simply wanted a bear in one of the many colours of Schulte fabrics that I have the cost wouldn't change but bears with hand tipped fur and a flower or small toy would cost £78,  something like a satchel and music button would add £5 and making fully featured paw pads, which is the most time consuming activity taking over 10 hours per small bear would cost £30 

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