January - Birthday Bearies  - Capricorn  
Kathy    Boy Bear - gone to work
Click my picture to see me in full


I'll be careful when I need be, so my risks are always planned
which might make me tenacious till I gain the upper hand

Capricorn - The Goat
22 December - 19 January
Sure-footed and thoroughly practical, 
they take the tried and tested path to the end
These disciplined, determined individuals often grow younger with age

Colours - Brown, Green, Grey, indigo and black
Gems Bloodstone, Turquoise (Dec), Garnet (Jan) others Amethyst, Jet, Black Onyx and Ruby
Plants & Flowers: lily, violet, musk, willow, hemp, ash

  © Copyright Woodland Teddies, Loughborough 2000