February - Birthday Bearies  - Aquarius 
Girl Bearie - Amy Boy Bearie - Orion
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Though wacky they may call us, our mind much sharp will be, 
if problem you do be with, then answer we may see 

Aquarius -Water Carrier
20 January - 18 February
Sees good in all and can help turn dreams into reality. Independent, intelligent and caring yet quite unconventional, these community minded individuals somehow always manage to appear detached, dependable and stronger than they sometimes feel inside
Colours - Violet, Light Yellow and Electric Blue
Gems Garnet (Jan) Amethyst (Feb), Aquamarine, Moonstone, Bloodstone, 
Onyx, Agate, glass, topaz, sapphire & Opal
Plants : poinsettia, crocus, olive

  © Copyright Woodland Teddies, Loughborough 2000