December - Birthday Bearies  - Sagittarius 
Jeannie - Hound not included see Cheryl Moss Boy Bear - gone walkabout
Click my picture to see me and hound in full


I'm a freedom loving bearie, as happy as can be
I love to go a wandering with my hound along side me 

Sagittarius - The Archer
3 November - 21 December
Optimistic, idealistic and hard-working you see the best in people, are direct and honest in your dealings with them and can often transform a negative situation into a positive one.
Of all the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius is the one 
most likely to bring home a stray animal.

Colours: Blues, Purples and White
Gems: Topaz (Nov) Turquoise (Dec) Lapis Lazuli & Jacinth
Plants: Chrysanthemum, Holly, Fig, Oak

  © Copyright Woodland Teddies, Loughborough 2001