Libra - Birthday Bearies  -  October
Rosie - Dusky Rose version Boy Bear - balancing on  a high wire
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Some think I'm indecisive just because I think things through
but try making choices for me and I'll decide as quick as you 

Libra - The Scales
23 September - 22 October
Sensitive, charming and possessing a fine temperament and a sharp intellect you are often successful in business and social life. 
You can usually see both sides to most arguments and this helps you develop a fine sense of justice which, with your tactful demeanor makes you an ideal diplomat.

Colours: Green, Yellows, purples and pink
Gems: Sapphire (Sept), Opals (Oct) Emeralds & Jade 
Plants: golden rod, aster, aloe, myrtle, rose

  © Copyright Woodland Teddies, Loughborough 2001