Fuzzy felted friends
- 25 projects to learn wet and dry felting techniques - includes 5 cute dogs,
sheep, mice, chicken, a bear and a pony
£11.99 |
Little felted animals
- from Penguins to dogs and kittens 17 static felting projects to get you
started on this wonderful hobby
£10.99 |
Beginners Guide to Needle Felting
- A unique look at Needlefelting incorporates pictures, jewellery, cards and 3d
objects for £10.99 |
Cross Stitch Teddies
- Lovely book for all teddy and cross stitch lovers offers Alphabets, cards,
theme items, and lots more RRP £9.99 on offer
£7.99 |
Ashfords book of Needlefelting
- Excellent, long awaited follow up to Needlefelting Magic - ten fabulous
projects £16.99 |