Furry Special Bear Making Suppies


Hair Extensions
Mohair Dyes
Dyed Mohair

Armature wire

Needle felting
Pay by credit card on order over £25 ($50)
Beautifully Hand finished and Hand Dyed Mohair in fabulous colour
schemes; for little more than the price of factory created mohair here are some examples of recently created and sold fabrics
Flame 43mm beautiful wavy semi string Evenstar 43mm Curlylocks Kid mohair 
Meadow Sweet 43mm Dense Schulte STF kid mohair  Flower Power 25mm Schulte swirl mohair

For more samples of what can be done click here

iI you have a different colour requirement give me a call on 01509 267597

Despite escalating raw material and fuel prices our shorter hand dyed fabrics start at just £25 per fat quarter, though the longest piles fabrics shown cost us £120- £200 a metre before we dye them so if you wanted something like one of the beautiful pieces shown above they would be available from £45 for a fat quarter depending on the length and density of the pile

We take the time to care for our fabrics and the results look and feel beautiful so pieces do tend to sell out very quickly but if you want something give me a call as I can usually produce something just for you quite quickly.

If you want me to dye your own mohair then the cost will depend on the complexity of what you want me to achieve and of course I need to recover the cost of the dyes, gas and  time on average you are looking at around £10 - £15 for up to half a metre though colour matching and complex designs could be more expensive

All pieces shown above were a fat quarter before dyeing, however the process of over dyeing to get the designs does reduce this slightly so the finished pieces can be slightly smaller

Post and processing is not included in any of the the prices shown above and is calculated at actual cost